Green Juice Omelette


As someone who’s into veggies, and isn’t easily grossed out, I have to (and hate to) admit that I find juice pulp kinda icky.

Maybe it’s the texture, maybe it’s the fact that it’s food coming from the deject pile. Or maybe it has something to do with the day in the summer where I didn’t clean out my juicer and left for work… (oh yeah, if you’ve never done that before, I don’t advise you start doing so now.)

I know it’s such a waste of beautiful, fibrous, organic green veggies, but other than making dehydrated pulp crackers on occasion (back in the good ol’ days when I had an oven), I tend to donate my juicing leftovers to Toronto’s Green Bin program and call it a day. Except here in Korea, where they just get tossed atop the mountains of garbage outside my building’s front door. When I make juice once a week it doesn’t really bother me—but since I’ve decided to mostly quit coffee (I can do it!) and dump sugar for a little bit, I’ve been juicing almost every day! Greens pulp galore.

I tried putting them in my smoothie one time, choked down half the thing and dumped the rest in the toilet (sorry, earth!). The thought of putting them in a soup thereafter made me gag.

But I think I found one way to get those leftover greens down: Enter the Veggie Pulp Omelette.

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Hey, it’s not the most beautiful dish going around. But it is a win-win-win, really—reducing kitchen waste, saving a buck or two, and of course, filling your belly with nutrient-dense green goodness. And it’s so easy.

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Sprinkle  a 1/2 cup of juice pulp (I like kale, spinach, celery, lemon, and garlic) with your favorite seasonings—here, I  use sea salt, pepper, and plenty of Korean red pepper powder. Add the pulp to 3 beaten eggs (and a splash of non-dairy milk, if you prefer).

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Fry in coconut oil as you would a traditional omelette, a few minutes each side until both sides are browned slightly. Serve alongside toast, potatoes, or atop some leafy greens with melted coconut oil and green onions as I’ve done here.

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Enjoy and give yourself a pat on the back for your resourcefulness!

IMG_4812 copyDo you have any more ideas for juice pulp? If so, please share in the comments! I’d love to hear your suggestions and maybe you can help me thing of more ways to save my kales 🙂